Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Adding Users

In order for an employee to begin using the TimeClock, they will need to be added as a user. This article explains how to add new time clock users manually or add multiple users with the user import tool.

Note: After adding users to the time clock, you can use the Employment tab to enter optional employee information like hourly or salaried.

Manually Adding A New User
Follow these steps to enter a new employee:

  1. Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
  2. Choose Users from the Configure menu.
  3. Click New User at the bottom of the user list and select New User.
Adding new user to the time clock
  1. Enter at least the First and Last Name of the new user.
  2. Click Save & Next to add more users or Save & Close to finish.
  3. Assign the user to a Display Group and, if needed, create a password for them.
Setting up a user in Virtual TimeClock time tracking software
  1. Optionally, select the Employment tab to enter an employee ID, choose employment status, set a wage and more.

Tip: After adding a new user, don't forget to assign them to your overtime rules.

Importing New Users
You can import workers by exporting a file from Quickbooks®1 or by creating a text file in a comma separated value (.CSV) format. To import new users:

  1. Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
  2. Choose Users from the Configure menu.
  3. Click New User in the bottom of the user list and select Import Users.
  4. Follow the instructions to pick a file type and choose display groups to assign users to.
  5. Click Import to choose the file and select Open.
Virtual TimeClock Import Users
  1. After the file is read by Virtual TimeClock, select desired users to add and select Import.

Note: When importing users, the system may detect that a user is already entered. You have the option of creating a new user, skipping the record, or merging with an existing user.

  1. Follow Step 6 in the Manually Adding a New User section if applicable.

Employment and Notes
The Employment tab in the Configure Users window allows you to quickly add optional employment details to a user profile. Filling out the wage information will allow you to report job costing totals and display wages on timecards. The Notes tab provides a simple text field for entering relevant employment notes, employee reviews, etc.

Employment tab for adding employment details

1. QuickBooks is a trademark of Intuit, Inc. Redcort Software is not affiliated with Intuit, Inc. in any way.