Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base
Payroll Approval – Basic Edition
This article explains the process to review and approve timecards for payroll in Virtual TimeClock Basic edition. See this article to approve payroll in the Pro or Network edition.
Approving timecard hours for payroll in Virtual TimeClock Basic follows 3 simple steps:
1. Review Timecards
At the end of the payroll period, it's important for an administrator review employee timecards for accuracy and make any necessary modifications. You may also want to have your employees review and approve their hours by printing and signing their timecard.
To perform an Administrative review of employee hours for the payroll period:
- Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
- Choose Timecard in the toolbar of the TimeClock Administration window.

- Review the hours on each timecard for accuracy. You can make any modifications or corrections to a timecard using the Entry Editor button in toolbar at the top of the timecard report.

2. Print Timecards
Once all timecard hours have been approved, you can save a copy of employee timecards for payroll by choosing Save or Print from the toolbar at the top of the timecard report.
3. Closing the Payroll Period
The final step in the process is closing the payroll period. Closing the payroll period performs two very important functions:
(1) All timecards hours for the current period are written to the database as a permanent, unalterable record.
(2) Virtual TimeClock automatically advances the Current Period dates to your next pay cycle.
Click the Close Period button in the toolbar of the TimeClock Administration window:

Tip: If you’ve neglected closing periods, it’s easy to close multiple periods all at once. Simply update your payroll settings to reflect your current payroll period. Virtual TimeClock will automatically total and close all periods up to the new Current Period start date.