Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Virtual TimeClock Payroll Integration

Virtual TimeClock Pro and Network editions integrate with many popular payroll systems and software. Payroll integration eliminates the time consuming chore of manually entering hours into your payroll program and the common problem of data entry errors. This article will cover how to use the payroll integration feature of Virtual TimeClock with your supported payroll system.

Setting up Payroll Integration
To utilize the payroll integration feature you will need to complete a one time setup in your Virtual TimeClock setup. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
  2. Choose Payroll Settings from the Configure menu.
  3. Select your payroll software from the Payroll Export pop up menu.
  1. Click Setup to configure the integration file.
  2. Download the Payroll Integration Guide for your payroll provider and follow the step-by-step setup instructions:

Using the Payroll Integration

Once you have completed the payroll integration setup, you will have the option to export your payroll integration file during the Payroll Approval process.

Note: Please contact us if you do not see your payroll provider listed above. A number of payroll services actually use the backend payroll systems of a national provider. In this case we can point you to an existing Integration Guide that will work with your payroll service. We are always open to exploring additional payroll integration if we do not currently support your provider.

If you’re looking for a payroll provider, Virtual TimeClock has partnered with SurePayroll® with a special offer and pricing for your payroll needs. Click to learn more.


Redcort Software Inc is not affiliated with any of the following companies in any way:
Acclivity AccountEdge is a trademark of Acclivity Group, LLC. ADP Pay eXpert, Workforce Now, and Run are trademarks of ADP, LLC. CheckMark Payroll is a trademark of CheckMark, Inc. Gusto is a trademark of Gusto, Inc. Paychex Preview & Paychex Flex are trademarks of Paychex, Inc. PayChoice Payroll is a trademark of Sage Software, Inc. Paylocity is a trademark of Paylocity Corporation. QuickBooks is a trademark of Intuit, Inc. SurePayroll is a trademark of Paychex, Inc.