Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Virtual TimeClock End-of-Life Policy

Redcort Software is committed to providing prompt, comprehensive technical support of your Virtual TimeClock software. In order to provide the best support and service possible, our staff and internal systems are kept up to date to support the latest Virtual TimeClock versions. We provide this software End-of-Life (EOL) policy to help our customers understand how to effectively deploy and maintain Virtual TimeClock software for many years.

End-of-Life Policy
Redcort Software provides support and training for each major Virtual TimeClock release for five years following the original release year. After five years, we designate the release version 'end of life' with certain predictable consequences (see End-of-Life Planning below).

Each Virtual TimeClock version reflects the original release year. For example, Virtual TimeClock 14 was released in March 2014. With our five year commitment to this release, Virtual TimeClock 14 reached end of life on December 31, 2019.

End-of-Life Planning
Many of our customers periodically upgrade their Virtual TimeClock to obtain new features or support for new computers. For these customers, end-of-life considerations are not a practical concern.

If you intend to maintain and run an older version of Virtual TimeClock for longer than five years, it is important to be aware of the following considerations as your version of Virtual TimeClock reaches end-of-life:

1.  Virtual TimeClock continues to run normally when it reaches end-of-life. The software remains fully functional and is yours to use indefinitely.

2.  We no longer provide technical support or training for end-of-life software.  Our newer systems often do not run older versions of Virtual TimeClock. Keeping staff trained on all versions of our software is simply not feasible.

For longevity, we build in setup and configuration guides under the Help menu of Virtual TimeClock that are version specific and remain available for your reference. Because of the maturity of our software, many of the Knowledge Base and technical support articles on our website remain generally relevant and helpful even for end-of-life versions of Virtual TimeClock.

3.  Installer downloads are not available for end-of-life software. We provide the ability to download prior releases of Virtual TimeClock as a courtesy to our customers. However, older releases may have vulnerabilities that prevent us from endorsing their continued use. Additionally, users often expect us to support any software that is available from our web site. For these reasons, we only provide downloads for versions that we currently support.

Important: Please download a copy of your software installer(s) before your software reaches end of life. This will ensure that you can reinstall your Virtual TimeClock software anytime in the future.

4.  You can upgrade to the latest Virtual TimeClock release at any time. We provide a simple upgrade path from any prior Virtual TimeClock version to our latest release. We also offer an upgrade discount and upgrading is quick and easy.

Please contact us if you have questions about your software and our end-of-life policy. We're here to help!