Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Virtual TimeClock Licensing

Software licensing can be a complicated topic, but we've made Virtual TimeClock licensing as simple as possible. Instead of charging by number of employees or requiring a monthly fee, Virtual TimeClock is a one-time license purchase that's yours to keep forever. Continue reading to understand how licensing works with each of our three editions of Virtual TimeClock.

Basic and Pro Editions
Our Basic and Pro editions are installed and licensed for a single computer and require all time clock functions, both user and administrative, to be done at the same computer. The software can be moved and used on another device if you're replacing the computer, in which case you don't need to purchase a new license.

Note: If you need your time clock to be available on additional computers, consider our Network Edition.

Network Edition
Our Network Edition allows an unlimited number of users to clock in from multiple computers. Licensing for this edition is based on the number of computers accessing the TimeClock Server.

Licensing Based on Number of Computers
We call each computer that connects to the time clock, whether for administrative duties or for punching in and out, a 'client.' You can purchase as few or as many client licenses as makes sense for your company. If you no longer use the software on a client computer, you can remove the license registration so that another computer can use the license.

Access Virtual TimeClock via Remote Session
Network Edition is licensed based on the number of computers you use to access the TimeClock Server. You can remotely view a computer that has Virtual TimeClock installed on it, however the computer you are using to remote in with will also require a license. Consider this as you review our pricing page.

Using a Terminal Server
Virtual TimeClock can be deployed in a terminal services environment, but you need to consider how our licensing works. For example, each account on the terminal server that runs a Virtual TimeClock Client requires a license. Click to learn more about how Virtual TimeClock works in a terminal services environment.

Site License 
A Site License consists of one (1) TimeClock Server and an unlimited number of client computers at a single (1) business location.

Enterprise License 
An Enterprise License consists of one (1) TimeClock Server and an unlimited number of client computers at multiple locations. Please contact us for custom enterprise pricing if you need unlimited computers at multiple locations.

Purchasing a Virtual TimeClock License
You can purchase a license for Virtual TimeClock by visiting our Pricing page or contacting us directly. After receiving your order we will generate a customized license and send it to you via email. The software will run in evaluation mode until a valid license is entered, so after you receive your key make sure to go the Help menu, select License Key and enter your new key. The Network Edition can be licensed either from the Server Manager or from any connected TimeClock client.

Virtual TimeClock Register Pro