Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Shift Rules: Lunch Breaks

This article explains each of the shift rules related to lunch breaks. Virtual TimeClock shift rules allow you to control time clock usage in ways that help you comply with labor laws and control unwanted overtime.

Note: Shift rules are available in the Pro and Network editions.

Open Shift Settings in Virtual TimeClock

  1. Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
  2. Select Shifts from the Configure program menu.
  3. Select a Shift from the left column list.
  4. Select the Lunch Rules tab
Configuring lunch shift rules in Virtual TimeClock

Note: To learn how to create a shift, see creating shifts in Virtual TimeClock.

The following is a brief explanation of each lunch rule:

If Lunch Start Exceeds _ Hours
This rule helps to ensure that lunches are taken on time and meet state and union requirements for meal periods that must occur within a specified work period. The options for this rule are:

No Action
Applies no rule and allows users to begin lunch without any restrictions.

Courtesy Start
Allows the user to start lunch late, but with the acknowledgment that it was of their own volition and were not impeded or discouraged from taking lunch on time.

Virtual TimeClock Courtesy Lunch message
Prevent Start
Prevents a worker from taking lunch later than the set limit on hours worked, which requires them to seek out management to begin their meal period. If a user triggers a Prevent Start rule, they will see the following dialog:
Virtual TimeClock Prevent Lunch Start user message

Courtesy Early Return
This rule prevents unauthorized overtime by allowing users to acknowledge they are returning from lunch early and agree that time will not begin recording until their lunch period is over. If a user triggers this rule, they will see the following dialog:

Virtual TimeClock Courtesy Early Lunch Return

Note: Limit when employees can clock in by enabling both the Courtesy Early Return and Prevent Early Return rules.

Prevent Early Return
This rule limits unauthorized overtime from short lunches. This rule prevents users from returning early from lunch outside of a defined grace period. If a user triggers this rule, they will see the following dialog:

Virtual TimeClock Prevent Early Lunch Return

Note: A setting of 1 minute will prevent an employee from returning early.

Prevent Late Return
This lunch rule discourages tardiness when returning from lunch. A grace period can be set when users can clock back in late. After this grace period is over, users will be required to seek out management to clock them in. If a user triggers this rule, they will see the following dialog:

Virtual TimeClock Prevent Late Lunch Return