Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base

Verifying Scheduled Backups

It is critical to test and periodically verify that scheduled backups are being performed as expected. If you're new to backing up Virtual TimeClock, see our Overview of Backups and Automatic Backups articles. To verify that your automatic scheduled backups are saving as expected, follow the steps below.

Note: Basic Edition does not include automatic backup scheduling.

1. Review Your Backup Schedule
Ensure that the frequency, number of backups, and the location of your scheduled backups is still valid.

Pro Edition

a.  Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
b.  Choose Backup from the Configure menu.

Network Edition

a.  Launch the Virtual TimeClock Server Manager program.
b.  Select the Backup option in the toolbar.

2. Review Your Backup Logs
Check your Backup Logs to verify there are successful backup entries and note any failures.

Pro Edition

a.  Select Program Logs from the Configure menu.
b.  Open the Backup Logs folder and select the most recent log file.

Network Edition

a.  Launch Virtual TimeClock Server Manager.
b.  Select the Program Logs toolbar button.
c.  Open the Backup Logs folder and select the most recent log file.

Program logs window showing backup log records
  • Important: Backup log errors AND a lack of 'successfully completed' entries indicate your backups are NOT working as expected. Review our Common Backup Mistakes article to troubleshoot backup issues.

3. Verify Your Backup Files
Based on your backup location noted in step 1 above, navigate to the location of your .vtcbackup files. Based on your schedule, verify the number of backups, the frequency, and the date of each backup. Each backup has a date (YY.MM.DD) and time stamp (HH.MM.SS) that is part of the filename showing when the backup file was created.

Backup folder showing two backup files
  • Important: Check for both the presence of backup files and verify that they are recent.