Virtual TimeClock Knowledge Base
Finding Your Edition & Version
Whether you're upgrading your software or calling in for technical support, it's helpful to know which edition and version of Virtual TimeClock you are currently using. This brief article will explain how to quickly find this information the next time you need it.
1. Launch Virtual TimeClock and open the About Virtual TimeClock dialog.
- Windows users - see the Help menu.
- Mac users - see the Virtual TimeClock application menu.
2. Determine if you are using the Basic, Pro, or Network edition.
- Version 14 or newer, notice the icon: Basic = orange, Pro = blue, Network = green.
- Version 13 or older, use the program name to determine your edition.
The Network Edition has 3 programs: Pro Client, User Client, & Server Manager.
3. Select the proper upgrade guide based on your edition: