It's About Time
Complying with Sick Leave, Overtime & Lunch Laws
A growing number of states and cities are creating new labor laws affecting employers and their workers. States with sick leave, overtime, or lunch laws include Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Virtual TimeClock can help employers stay compliant with current labor laws by tracking sick leave, calculating overtime, and automatically enforcing established overtime and meal break rules for their employees.
Sick Leave
Sick leave laws entitles employees to be paid annual sick leave. This may include temporary and part-time employees. In California, employees can be awarded sick leave hours based the number of hours worked or a fixed annual amount. Virtual TimeClock can handle both ways and display the accrued and used leave hours on user-friendly reports.
You can review the applicable sick leave laws in your area at the Department of Labor website. We've posted an article that shows you how to easily setup sick leave tracking in Virtual TimeClock.
Employees Overtime Tracking
Federal overtime rules apply when employees work an excess of 40 hours in a workweek. Many states have additional labor laws based on hours worked per day and consecutive days worked. Review our page on state overtime laws and the U.S Department of Labor website for additional information about overtime labor laws in your area.
Virtual TimeClock allows you to easily and automatically track overtime in compliance with virtually all state and Federal labor laws. We've posted an article on how to easily setup overtime rules In Virtual TimeClock for your business.
Controlling Overtime
Virtual TimeClock Pro and Network edition help employers manage and eliminate unwanted worker overtime. Virtual TimeClock's shifts features have a variety of rules that allow you to ensure employees clock in and out in accordance with established company policies. You can prevent employees from clocking in early or working beyond their assigned shift. Review our Knowledge Base article that explains how to limit overtime hours with Virtual TimeClock.
Lunch Laws
A growing number of states are passing labor laws concerning worker rest and meal breaks. As an example, California now requires employees to take a meal break within 5 hours of starting work when working more than 6 hours in a day. The employer penalties for obstructing this mandate are costly. Virtual TimeClock's shift based lunch rules give you real time control to prevent employee violation of this law and/or require management involvement at the time the violation occurs. Click to learn how you can enforce meal break policies with Virtual TimeClock.
See our page that shows state lunch laws and the U.S Department of Labor website for more detailed information for your business.
Virtual TimeClock has been helping employers manage their employee time and attendance for over 30 years. If you would like to learn more about Virtual TimeClock, check out our overview of Virtual TimeClock or download a free trial of Virtual TimeClock to try out in business without any cost or obligation.