Employee Performance Reviews & Virtual TimeClock | Blog

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Employee Performance Reviews & Virtual TimeClock

January 4, 2017

Performance reviews can be stressful and time consuming. Virtual TimeClock can help by providing you with objective employee time and attendance metrics for your reviews.

All the following reports are easily accessed by turning administration on from the File menu and choosing the report from the Reports menu. For your convenience, all reports in Virtual TimeClock may be either printed or saved as a PDF from within the Report Preview window.

  • Tip: Modify the employees and/or dates for a report by clicking the People & Dates icon in the Report Preview window.

Tardiness Tracking
A powerful report for tracking worker tardiness is the Late Arrival Report. This exception report lists the actual arrival time, and how many minutes late a user was for an assigned shift. If tardiness is an issue within your organization or with particular employees, don't wait for the habit to escalate. Be proactive by regularly reviewing the Late Arrival Report with your workers. It's a terrific unbiased tardiness assessment tool.

  • Tip: To view and track late arrivals, you must have shifts set up and assigned as user schedules. To learn more about shifts and assigning them to users, refer to our blog about how to set up shifts.

Employee Leave & Benefits
Reviewing employee benefits, leave awards and balances is often a part of a performance review. Virtual TimeClock has two built in reports to help you review worker leave benefits. By default users can view their leave reports and mangers have access to these reports for member of their group. Access to these reports allows users and managers to easily view leave accrual, use and balance.

Accrued and Used Leave Report
The Accrued and Used Leave report is a powerful summary of each employee's benefit year. The report shows the beginning balance, award, time used and any remaining balance for each leave category created for that employee.
Worker Leave Report
The Worker Leave report provides a detailed breakdown of actual leave use for each leave category. For instance, while the Accrued and Used Leave report might show 32 hours Sick leave used by an employee, the Worker Leave report for the employee will show each day that Sick Leave was used during the benefit year.

  • Tip: If you are doing a performance review near a user’s anniversary date, this is a great time to update the carryover hours and any changes in leave awards for the next benefit year. Learn how to carryover unused leave hours in our article on how to carry over unused leave hours.
  • Tip: You can easily track and document absences by creating an unpaid leave category called 'Absences.' Check out this article to learn how to set up additional leave categories.

Contact Information 
Virtual TimeClock has built in reports that display important contact information for users of the TimeClock. While only a name is required to use Virtual TimeClock, completing each employee's profile provides helpful reports that can be reviewed with your employees to help you maintain up-to-date and accurate employee information.

User Profile Report
The User Profile report shows vital employee information such as their current status, employment start date, current wage, employee number, social security number and contact information.

  • Note: Because this report contains sensitive employee information, it is only available to Virtual TimeClock administrators.
Contact & Telephone Lists
These reports can be used to quickly and easily verify and update an employee’s address and contact information.

Employee Access to Reports

You can provide anytime access to reports to allow users to review their leave and contact information whenever they want. This is particularly helpful as part of the employee's preparation for a performance review. Access to reports for both users and managers is set at the group level:

  1. Turn on Administration from the File menu and Select Display Groups from the Configure menu.
  2. Choose a group in the left panel of the Display Groups window.
  3. Choose the Reports tab in the Display Groups window.
  4. Within the Reports tab, click Select at the bottom of either the User Reports or Manager Reports columns.
  5. Select each report that you want to grant access for these users or mangers of this group.
  • Tip: Employee reports are available by selecting Other Reports in the Hamburger menu in the top left corner of the User Status window.
  • Tip: Managers view reports by selecting the Reports menu while in Administration mode.

Performance Review Notes
You can utilize the notes section in a user's profile to document performance review notes. For example you might add the date of the performance review, changes in leave awards or make a note of a salary change.

  • Tip: To access the notes section, turn on Administration in the File menu and select Users in the Configure menu. Select the user in the left column and click the Notes tab.