Virtual TimeClock Compatibility with macOS 12 Monterey
Apple’s latest OS release, macOS 12 Monterey brings a variety of features and changes to macOS. While many of these features appear unrelated to your Virtual TimeClock, we have performed thorough quality assurance testing to verify Virtual TimeClock's compatibility with Apple's newest operating system.
We have completed our testing and Virtual TimeClock 19.2.4 is compatible with macOS 12 Monterey with the exception of a minor cosmetic issue (see below). This includes our Basic, Pro, and Network editions of Virtual TimeClock.
On February 23, 2022, identified a minor issue when opening the Configuration window in administration mode. When first opened, the contents of the Configuration window are visually shifted down about 20 pixels. This shift can cause data and buttons at the bottom of the panel to not be visible. Since this drawing issue is only on initial window open, the workaround is to switch once between control panels after the window has been opened. We have reported this issue to Apple and are working on a software update.
Can I Run an Older Version of Virtual TimeClock on macOS Monterey?
macOS Monterey will only run 64-bit applications. As a result, Virtual TimeClock 18 and older are not compatible with Apple's latest operating systems. This is true for Apple Catalina and Big Sur releases as well. We advise against upgrading to macOS Monterey if you are running Virtual TimeClock 18 or older and you do not wish to upgrade your TimeClock.
If you are enrolled in our Premier Support program, Virtual TimeClock 19 is a free upgrade! If you're currently running version 18 or 19, use 'Check for Updates' within the software. If you have an older version of Virtual TimeClock, you can download version 19 from our website. Registered users of Virtual TimeClock not enrolled in Premier Support receive a 30% discount when upgrading to version 19.
If you have any questions about Virtual TimeClock and macOS 12 Monterey, please feel free to Contact us. We're here to help!