Clear User Passwords in Virtual TimeClock 18 | Blog

Virtual TimeClock Support Blog

Clear User Passwords in Virtual TimeClock 18

December 11, 2017

Virtual TimeClock 18 intoduced the ability for administrators to clear user passwords. This is particularly helpful when a user forgets their password and you want to allow them to create a new password without manually assigning one to them.

Note: Clearing passwords is only applicable to the In & Out Board interface, since the PIN and Passcode interfaces require an administrator-assigned PIN or passcode.

To clear a User's password:

  1. Select Turn Administration On from the File menu.
  2. Right click the user's name and select Change Password.
  3. Select Delete.
Virtual TimeClock Clear Passwords
  1. A popup window will remind you that the user will no longer have a password. Select Delete to confirm you want to erase the user's password. Your user can now create a new password the next time they clock in or out.