July 2016
Virtual TimeClock Tips & Tricks Newsletter

Virtual TimeClock Tips & Tricks

Sometimes the small things can make a big difference. This month we turn our attention to some of the smaller enhancements in Virtual TimeClock 16 that can add up to big savings as you manage your workforce time and attendance.


Time Savings for Managers

Virtual TimeClock 16 simplifies several common administrative tasks. With a click or two of a mouse, managers and administrators can record a missed punch, edit a timecard, and verify why a worker is unable to punch in or out.


More Powerful Entry Notes

Timecard entry notes are used to explain start or stop times as well as to track jobs, tips, mileage, or production. We've enhanced entry notes in Virtual TimeClock 16 and added the ability to export them for easy analysis in your favorite spreadsheet program.


Automatically Limit Hours Worked

Government regulations and union contracts present unique challenges for employers with part time employees. Virtual TimeClock 16 gives you new tools to automatically control the total hours worked for a week, month or pay period.


New Laws for Salaried Workers

Millions of salaried workers will be entitled to overtime pay with the recently announced changes to the Fair Labor and Standard Act (FLSA). This article explains how Virtual TimeClock can help you track and control overtime for your salaried employees.


Upgrading to Virtual TimeClock 16

This overview shows you how quick and easy it is to upgrade your Virtual TimeClock software to version 16. Our step-by-step Upgrade Guides and dedicated support staff are here to help,